Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dr Who Felt Dolls (Part 2)

I finished all of the dolls. I got about 2 done a day. It was really fun.

Let's start off with the Doctor's lady companions:

Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, and Donna Noble. (When I first watched Dr. Who, I wasn't too fond of Donna, but after going through a couple more times, she is my favorite companion so far)

Here are season 5 and 6's companions:

Rory, Amy Pond, and River Song (I was really pleased with the way River turned out. I thought about making Rory in Roman attire, but I decided not to)

Where are the aliens you ask??

Right here:
Ood, Adipose (I love them they are sooo cute) and Cyberman

Weeping Angel, Silence, and a Dalek

Finally I made the TARDIS out of paper. I thought it would be a good way to box them all up.



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