Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Dr Who Felt Dolls

I realize it's been almost a year since I posted last. I have been doing some crafting, but I just haven't documented anything. I wanted to pin this, so I had to put it somewhere. So, here it is!

Dr Who Felt Dolls!

#9, #10 and # 11!

All I did was printed off a paper doll template that I found online and then cut out the clothes and hair to match what the Dr.'s wore. It was really just a trial and error. I think they turned out lovely.

Eddie (my husband, who is not a Dr. Who fan) said the middle one was kinda cool. I said "Yeah, he's my favorite Dr"

I plan on making Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, Rory, and River. No Dr. Who set would be complete without aliens! So, I'll attempt to make a Dalek, Ood, Silence, Weeping Angel, and a Cyberman. I think I will box them up in a cardboard box shaped as the TARDIS.

That sounds like an amazing plan.

I made Rose last night. She came out great! I realized that I couldn' really make any more companions because I didn't have several colors I needed for clothing and hair. Pictures up after I finish a few more.

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