Friday, August 5, 2011

New Cards!

I made some cards. A few of them I made a while ago, I just hadn't taken pictures of them.

I do want to apologize for the quality of the pictures. They were taken on my cell phone. My camera is dead and my comp is broken, so this was really my only option.

First off:
The Funky Fold Card Design! I was very happy to try this one out.
You can't see it, but the "Ahoy" and some of the seaweed is sparkly. I came up with a cool way to add a little sparkle. I have some glitter glue pens (crayola) and I put some of that on it then used my finger to spread/tap it around.

I really like the 3D effect of this card.

I am currently working on a birthday card for my gramps (he'll be 93 this month) Pics will be posted (hopefully with better quality) when it's done.

Here is a card that I made for my boyfriends sisters in-laws. They let us use their timeshare points in FL.
The one I sent them had "thanks" on the front.

This card is what I made for my sisters friend. She's having a baby and they are decorating the babies room in an owl theme. I tried to match the colors. My sister said it was perfect.

The last card is one that I just felt like making. I have about 4 of these. I'm going to keep them in my "stash" until an occasion comes up I can use it for.

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